Happy New Year 2025!


9th International Meeting On
Reconstructive Urology


It is our pleasure to announce the 9th IMORU, International Meeting on Reconstructive Urology, taking place from March 26-28, 2025.

Thanks to all authors for submitting their Abstracts. Abstract submission is now closed. Reduced Early Bird registration still is possible until January 17th.  

Autors will be informed about the acceptance of their abstracts before the end of the Early Bird registration period.

Bridging Generations          

Respecting Gender Diversity          

Refining Techniques            


Dear Colleagues,

After a long break due to the pandemic, I am delighted to invite you to Hamburg for the 9th International Meeting on Reconstructive Urology (IMORU), taking place from March 26-28, 2025, at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.

Bridging Generations: Our distinguished faculty includes internationally renowned surgeons, both „giants and rising stars“ in Reconstructive Urology. Experience parallel live surgeries—both open and robot-assisted—from two operating rooms, along with additional semi-live presentations. Attend lectures on current „hot topics“ and actively participate in discussions with experts.

Respecting Gender Diversity: Our program includes complex reconstructive procedures for males, females, and transgender patients.

Refining Techniques: The main topics will cover urethral reconstruction, ureteral reconstruction, and urinary diversion. Highlights include post-traumatic stricture repair, anterior urethroplasty, and minimally-invasive techniques such as transurethral inlay and paclitaxel-coated balloon dilatation, all presented live or semi-live. Engage with experts on the role of robot-assisted surgery in ureteral reconstruction (buccal mucosa reconstruction, ileal ureteral interposition) and continent urinary diversion. Incontinence surgery will focus on sling procedures and artificial sphincter implantation. Learn to manage complications such as bladder neck stenoses, anastomotic stenoses post-radical prostatectomy, and urogenital or urorectal fistulas. Observe penile implantations in male and transgender patients, neovagina reconstruction, and various techniques for corporoplasty. Discover the tips and tricks from our global experts.

We look forward to welcoming you to Hamburg from March 26-28, 2025.

Margit Fisch, MD FEAPU FEBU

Professor of Urology, Director and Chair
Department of Urology

University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

In cooperation with




IMORU would not be possible without the generous support of our Sponsors and Exhibitors. Please contact us to discuss Sponsoring Opportunities. Thank you!


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